Custom Fairings

Have you recently put on a roof rack and noticed your MPG's decreasing and an obnoxious noise while driving? Whether you have a conversion van, pickup truck, or sedan, we specialize in cutting custom size fairings to fit your needs and your style.

The fairing acts as a wind deflector, which noticeably reduces noise from the rack after installation. The fairing can also help with fuel efficiency when the rack is on the vehicle, reducing air resistance.

Creating a custom Colorado Fairing will ensure you get the right size and deflect the most amount of wind while driving.  

All fairings will come with universal mounting hardware. 

80/20 T-Track hardware is available on our parts page but please make sure it's the correct style for your rack. 

Since our fairings are made to order and a custom product, they can take up to 4-6 weeks to complete

44" - 49" wide Custom Fairings
From £138.00 - £251.00
50" - 54" wide Custom Fairings
From £204.00 - £298.00
55" - 59" wide Custom Fairings
From £236.00 - £322.00
60" - 64" wide Custom Fairings
From £263.00 - £361.00
65" - 69" wide Custom Fairings
From £302.00 - £385.00
70" - 74" wide Custom Fairings
From £338.00 - £385.00
75" - 79" wide Custom Fairings
From £353.00 - £412.00

Need help choosing the size fairing right for your vehicle and rack? Please contact us!

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