It is recommended to check your hardware regularly because due to vibrations while driving it may become loose.
All standard fairings, Large, Medium, Small, come with mounting brackets, nuts and bolt set, rubber straps, and rubber bulb seal. If you need additional nuts or bolts for your installation you must add them to your order. Custom sized fairings come with the same hardware minus the rubber straps.
The rubber washer should be placed on the carriage bolt first and then put through one of the pre drilled holes in the front of the fairing first. The rubber washer will keep the bolts from spinning as you tighten them.
We do not supply t track hardware since there are so many versions in the market, please make sure you have what you need for your particular system prior to recieveing the fairing.
Please scroll down for other installtion options on other vehicles and campers.
Step 1 (vehicles with crossbars on roof)
Loosely bolt the short side of all three metal brackets against the non artwork side of the plastic fairing. Start by using the widest holes at each end of the fairing.
The rubber washer needs to be between the bolt and the front on the fairing and the thumb nut on the back side to secure the metal bracket to the fairing.
Insert the elongated end of the rubber through the slit in the metal bracket, and twist to secure.
If you have T Track use your hardware to mount your bracket to the crossbar. For larger fairings the bracket can be reversed so the long end is on the fairing and the short end on the crossbar. The brackets can go on the top or bottom of the crossbar.
Place assembled fairing onto vehicle roof, with metal bracket on TOP of crossbar to start, you may need to place the bracket on the underside of your crossbar depending on how the fairing sits.
Make sure the rubber bulb strip is touching your roof, this will protect your paint from the fairing rubbing against it.
The mounting brackets are pre-bent on a 45 degree angle, altering this angle may cause the rubber bulb to not be in contact with the roof, which may cause damage to painted surfaces. We do not reccomend altering the angle and the customer agrees that CFC will not be held responsible for misuse of materials that may cause damage to the customers property.
You may have to remove your rack sports carrier in order to attach fairing hardware.
Situate the fairing where you would like it on the car making sure it is centered. Take the rubber straps and stretch under crossbar and feed back through metal bracket to secure. Twist to lock. Make sure rubber strap is secure. Very little movement side to side should occur but the fairing will be able to lift up by hand. This is normal, and when driving the wind will be pushing the fairing down onto the roof.
Do not overtighten the straps. This may cause the straps to crack or split, which can result in failure of the strap. We recommend that customers check the mounting hardware on a regular basis to ensure all parts are secure and working properly.
For T Track customers, you can loosly secure the brackets to the crossbar and then slide them until the fairing is centered on your vehicle.
(If you have a straight bottom fairing there is no need to push the center of the fairing forward. If you have a reverse smile shaped fairing, you will not need to push the center forward and if you do it will be very minimal just to bring the front corners down)
Once all three to four metal brackets are secure to crossbar, slide the brackets forward in the middle and back on the sides in order to achieve a curve to match the vehicle profile.
Tighten bolts at plastic fairing to achieve a curve (as viewed from the top of the car) and touching in the middle and as much as possible on the side (as viewed from front of car).
A slight gap in the corners of the fairing is okay. To minimize the gap at the corners, push the tightened bracket and rubber towards the center of the vehicle to pull the corners down. This may take a few attempts to achieve a good fit.
52" x 9" fairing with smile shape.
Mount the brackets to your fairing and center the fairing on your roof so you can mark where the two pre-bent brackets meet the metal air dam on the front bottom portion of the rack. You will have to drill two holes to mount these brackets. Once this is done you can set the two side brackets on the bottom front corners of the rack by drilling two holes and bolting them on.
Note: We DO NOT SUPPLY THE BOLTS TO ATTACH THE BRACKETS TO YOUR ROOF RACK UNLESS YOU ORDER AN ADDITIONAL SET- You will need 4 bolts, 4 washers, and 4 lock nuts. Loctite is always recommended or lock nuts.
The side brackets now need to be secured by driling a hole in the lower portion of the rack. Secure the bracket with bolt and lock nut and fine tune the fairing into position. Check all hardware and make sure everything is secure. We suggest checking hardware on a regular basis to make sure nothing has come loose.
The fairing in the picture is 52" x 12" with a smile shape.
Attach the long end of the regular bent bracket to the fairing leaving it slightly loose to adjust as needed during installation.
Attach the short end of the flat extension bracket to the short end of the regular bent bracket. Leave it slightly loose for adjustment while installing.
Attach the extension bracket to the t track on the first crossbar. T track hardware is not provided and you must purchase 4 extension brackets and one additional bolt set for this application. All other mounting brackets are included with the purchase of a fairing. Link to T track hardware needed.
Center the fairing and adjust the height as needed making sure the fairing is on the recommended 45 degree angle and then tighten all hardware.
Enjoy a quiet ride!
You must have a set of 4 L brackets and an additional set of bolts found on our parts page for this installation.The fairing will come with all the remaining hardware to mount it. The fairing is installed on a 45 degree angle and needs to stay clear of the latches to unlock the camper or the fairing needs to be far enough forward for the latches to open or short enough to be under the latches. In some cases when the top of the fairing is touching the camper it is suggested to order an additional rubber bulb strip to place on the top of the fairing to create a good seal and keep the fairing from rubbing on the camper.
We do not supply the T track hardware for Tune campers, you will need a set of 4.
Install the L brackets to the Tune camper lower T track. Depending on your vehicle and Tune model the L brackets are adjustable in height. The shorter side of the L bracket can be under the camper or if you need to push the fairing forward they can be facing towards the windshield. The fairing does not need to be touching the camper at the top but can. If you are limited on space or get wind noise from the fairing not touching the camper, you may need to order a strip of rubber bulb to place on the top of the fairing as a cushion or seal between the fairing and camper while also protecting it from rubbing.
Attach the mounting brackets to the fairing, these brackets are reversible so depending on your vehicle and setup the long end may go on your fairing or the short end. Leave the thumb nuts slightly loose so you can adjust the fairing.Sidenote:if your fairing is taller and has additional mounting holes in the fairing, and came with flat extension brackets, these will be installed on the back of the fairing for additional support and then the 45 degree angled brackets go above them.
Using the additional set of bolts, attach the fairing bracket to the L bracket and adjust the fairing so it is even on your roof.
If the bottom corners of your fairing are not touching the roof you can either push out the center brackets slightly towards the windshield and pull back the side brackets or, you can angle the side brackets slightly outward, which will tuck the cornersin. The thumb nuts on the side brackets to the fairing should be slightly loose to do both methods and then tightened when the corners are touching or close to the roof. Note: While driving the force of the wind will push the fairing down, so if there is a small gap it's okay.
Make sure all the hardware is tightened and check these on a regular basis because vibrations and off road driving may cause them to loosen. Safety first!
Ekko vans need a 79" x 12" fairing with a straight bottom.
A crossbar in the front is needed to attach the fairing to. These can be purchased from Winnebago or Summit if needed.
We do not supply the t-track hardware, you will need a set of 4.
If you are purchasing a crossbar make sure to insert your t track hardware prior to installing your crossbar. If you have a crossbar you will need to insert the t track hardware. The crossbar needs to be 1"-2" behind the front of the side rails so the fairing can be pulled down tight and the rubber bulb is compressed to make a good seal on the fiberglass angled roof or wind will get under the fairing causing it to vibrate.
Attach the long end of the bent bracket to the fairing, do not tighten the nuts completely.
Attach the short end of the bracket to the crossbar via the t track and tighten nuts but not completely so you can adjust the placement of the fairing. The bolt should be in the middle of the slot on the brackets so you have some room to adjustthe fairing and pull it back to compress the rubber bulb on the bottom of the fairing.
Adjust the fairing so it is centered on the roof making. Hand tighten all bolts.
Make sure to check all hardware on a regular basis as vibrations from driving may loosen them.
For this type of fairing installation, in most cases a door mount crossbar is needed to attach the fairing to. We highly recommend the crossbar has t track on the top of the crossbar to bolt our hardware to and sits at least 4-5" tall at the towers. This makes for a secure and easy installation.
If your fairing is taller and has additional mounting holes drilled and comes with flat extension brackets, these will be installed on the back of the fairing for additional support and then the 45 degree angled brackets go above them.
In some cases campers do have t track on the front of the camper and can be used to mount a fairing to. You will either need our 90 degree defender brackets or our L brackets to complete this installation process.
Please note, we do not supply T Track hardware.
You will need to attach the flat brackets to the back of the fairing (smooth side if no wrap was ordered, textured side if you do have a wrap on the fairing) by using the bolts with the rubber washer on the front of the fairing and through, the rubber washer keeps the bolt from spinning. On the lower holes attach the longer bracket that is pre bent on a 45 degree angle, small end on the back of the fairing and just hand tighten the thumb nut so you can adjust the brackets when installing on the rack.
Place the t track bolts in your crossbar (we don't provide t track hardware as a reminder) Place the fairing on the roof with the long end of the brackets on your crossbar and center the fairing on the roof. When centered lift the brackets up one by one and slide the bolts into the slots on the brackets.
If you have an oversized fairing that came with our Defender brackets (90 degree ones and shorter) you will now take them and place the 90 degree angle on the t bolt as well with the 45 degree angle of the bracket on the back of the fairing. In some cases the position can be switched to where the 90 degree end is on the back of the fairing and the 45 degree end is attached to the crossbar. This bracket will help keep the fairing from leaning back at the top while driving.
Double check your setting and make sure the fairing is center and then hand tighten all the thumb nuts. You should be good to go from there and just make sure to check your hardware on a regular basis as vibrations from driving may loosen them.
For this type of fairing installation, in most cases a door mount crossbar is needed to attach the fairing to. We highly recommend the crossbar has t track on the top of the crossbar to bolt our hardware to and sits at least 4-5" tall at the towers. This makes for a secure and easy installation.
If your fairing is taller and has additional mounting holes drilled and comes with flat extension brackets, these will be installed on the back of the fairing for additional support and then the 45 degree angled brackets go above them.
In some cases campers do have t track on the front of the camper and can be used to mount a fairing to. You will either need our 90 degree defender brackets or our L brackets to complete this installation process. Please note, we do not supply t track hardware.
The purchaser acknowledges that CFC has no control over the attachment of its products to vehicles or the attachment of items to other products. Accordingly, CFC cannot assume responsibility for any damage to any property arising out of the improper attachment or use of its products. We suggest checking your mounting attachments regularly to ensure nothing has come loose or moved during driving. CFC does not cover consequential damages of any kind that may arise from the use or misuse of any CFC product.